Friday, May 22, 2009

chrome 2

chrome 2

While mercilessly devouring cake yesterday here at the office, Google was heard dropping the C bomb. Chrome, that is -- a whole new version of Chrome. Version 2 of Google's lightening-fast Web browser promises new features and even greater speed.But are those promises being upheld, we ask? Well, yes and no, but mostly yes. Features like full-screen browsing and form auto-complete are new to Chrome, though a useful feature of many competing browsers already. But holy fudge: Google has really delivered on the speed front!

Chrome is, by our own benchmarking results, now the fastest browser on the planet at handling Javascript. It has knocked Safari 4 beta and the latest nightly alpha build of Firefox 3.6 (V3.6a1pre), and although not noticeably faster at rendering non-Javascript heavy Web pages, that still means it's the snappiest choice between Opera, IE 8 and Firefox on PC.

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