Tuesday, May 19, 2009

klippel trenaunay syndrome

klippel trenaunay syndrome

Carla Sosenko suffers from Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome,

Carla Sosenko, a well known writer and Associate Copy Chief at Bauer Publishing, has revealed that she is suffering from Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome.

Carla has written abour her condition in an essay in Marie Claire and also on her blog. She says “my right leg is larger than my left and trails slightly when I walk; my back is an uneven, fatty slab with a dense lump above the waist; and a gigantic port-wine stain reaches around my broad torso and down toward my right thigh.”

The even worse part is “There is no cure for KTS. Treatment is symptomatic. KTS is a progressive disorder, and complications may be life-threatening.

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