Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free Republic

Hello. I am mostly a lurker on this site, but today I have to share something because I don't quite know what I should do. 

To introduce myself, my name is Karee, I live in California, I work for the Human Services Department in my county, and in my spare time I like to draw and paint. I try to draw something every week, it's my way to relax and be creative.

This morning I got up and decided to work on my website, and I noticed there were more links to my site and I wanted to see who they were. For example, if someone just "hotlinks" to one of my drawings, I can look and see who is linked. Usually I don't mind at all, especially when people credit my work, having links out there is a good thing.... but imagine my surprise when I see I've been hotlinked to Free Republic.

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