Friday, June 26, 2009

what is demerol

what is demerol

Family member alleges demerol shot killed Michael Jackson. Police looking for missing doc,

In an exclusive, TMZ is reporting that a member of Michael Jackson's family is saying that Jackson received a daily injection of a synthetic narcotic similar to morphine - Demerol - and that a dosage he received Thursday morning was "too much."

Jackson reportedly received the shot at 11:30 a.m. Family members believe that that's what caused the singer's death.Police said today they are searching for a doctor who they hope will help in the investigation of Jackson’s death.Los Angeles police spokeswoman Karen Rayner says that police towed from Jackson’s house a BMW owned by one of the superstar’s doctors.Said Rayner: “We have not been able to interview the doctor yet. His car was impounded because it may contain medications or other evidence that may assist the coroner in determining the cause of death.”

One law enforcement source told TMZ that the doctor gave Jackson an injection before he died. The web site reported that the doctor lived at the home, but Rayner said she could not confirm that and did not know the doctor’s identity.

She stressed that the doctor was not under criminal investigation but coroner’s investigators wanted to contact him.

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