Friday, July 24, 2009

so you think you can dance results july 23

so you think you can dance results july 23

So You Think You Can Dance: Results Show Recap for July 23,2009.

It’s Thursday, which means Fox' So You Think You Can Dance - and tonight we say goodbye to two more dancers. Also, it’s the 100th episode, which means much fun and frivolity will precede the farewell on tonight's So You Think You Can Dance!

We start with the group dance to “One” from The Chorus Line, a show that I heart beyond reason. They have white suits and dance with mirrors and even though it’s Tyce Diorio I really like it! Then it turns out NOT to be Tyce at all, but Mia Michaels. Interesting. Well, last night Tyce’s piece was very Mia-like, so maybe they’re exchanging tributes.

Cat promises an incredible evening and re-introduces us to the judges, sans Ellen Degeneres. Mia’s favorite thing about this show is the “little babies coming back home to the nest” and becoming Emmy-nominated choreographers and showing what they’ve learned. This show means the world to Mary, it’s been a lot of laughter and tears, and it has changed her life. She is very proud and grateful. Nigel says the best part is that television at its best can reach out and unite a country with a shared experience, and he thinks last night’s Tyce routine was one such moment. Olivia Newton-John, a breast cancer survivor, called Nigel and thought the routine said more than words could. He is extremely proud that the program can shed light on a difficult subject.

We get a reel of highlights from the past five seasons, and I’m amazed at all I remember and all I’ve forgotten. Blake, Travis, Sabra, Hok… faces I haven’t thought of in a while, and a few moments I remember all the time—including the Bench and the Hummingbird and the Flower, both of which we’ll see, live, tonight.

Cat reminds us what happened last night. You saw it. And if you didn’t you missed out.

RESULTS! Start with the girls. Melissa was awesome. Is she the first in danger? No. Nice recovery from last week, girlfriend. Kayla. Is she still alive? Possibly not, she’s in the bottom two. Wow. Janette or Jeanine? Janette has NEVER been in the bottom. Is she there tonight? Yep. Wow. Interesting…

And the first special treat of the night: back from Season 3 with the Hummingbird and the Flower by Wade Robson, it’s Hok and Jaimie!! Oddly, this wasn’t one of my favorites at the time, but over the course of 5 seasons it is definitely still memorable. Nice to see these two again. Watching it now I think I like it better than I did then…

The guys’ results. Ade. Mia thought his cha-cha was his worst of the season, did he make up for it with the magical Tyce routine? We’ll find out after we speak to Jason. One is safe and one is not. The dancer is danger is… Jason. Evan and Brandon. Neither has ever been in the bottom group. NO WAY. Brandon is in the bottom two. What sort of crazy fan base does Evan have? I mean, I love him, but I’m surprised that he is above these two. I kinda thought it was his time.

Oooh yay! THE BENCH. Travis and Heidi (from Season 2) are back, and I love this routine. Heidi is very blond. This was always a showcase for Travis, and I do wish there was more Heidi. I love that routine.

I think they should do this every week—bring back favorites from the past. It keeps the show moving, there’s no filler, it’s just good stuff and I’m loving it.

Kayla reprises her solo from last night. And again, I’m not blown away by it, but she’s undeniably good. Jason. There might be a touch more energy from him tonight. Janette’s up quickly, again with the Celine Dion. If she’s sent home I think she can blame Celine. Brandon. Sigh. He’s wearing a shirt this time. Subtract points for that. Best solo of the night, by far, in my opinion, even with a shirt on.

Now, a group routine from days past. The top 8 from Season 2 is joined onstage by Wade Robson. Ramalama, ladies and gentlemen. I would love to see this live. LOVE. If for no other reason than not to be bound to the choices of camera angles. The focus on Wade is certainly understandable, but I want to see Ivan and Allison and Donyelle and my other favorites! Also, these are choreographed for the audience, not the camera. Mostly. But this dance is just awesome. Certainly worth watching, check it out if you can.

Katie Holmes is here because she is involved in the Dizzy Feet Foundation, and is apparently good friends with Tyce. Huh. She’s doing an homage to Judy Garland. I knew she could sing (Joey Potter could sing, ya know, as well as her character on Eli Stone) but I didn’t know she could dance. Her hair is really shiny. I wonder what million dollar product she uses that makes her hair so shiny. It is not live onstage, which I thought it would be… silly me. It’s a production. I really wanted her to sing live. She’s lip syncing really well. And she’s not going to win any dance awards either. I shouldn’t be so mean, especially if her participation is helping what seems to be a really great cause. Theatre people, though, one of which she is supposed to be, don’t lip sync.

Nigel thanks Katie Holmes for working so hard and donating her fee to the foundation. Also, Judy Garland’s son Joey Luft is in the audience.

Kayla and Janette, one is going home. The girl leaving is… Janette. I’m surprised, and I think she has Tyce to blame for keeping Melissa. She went from never being in the bottom to going home, just like that. She has had an amazing season, held her own with Brandon, danced everything, and had the least training of all of them. Cat thinks it is the shock of the season. Nigel admits he really wanted her to win, and her ouster has ruined the 100th celebration. Wow. She’s not going back to the bank after this.

Jason or Brandon. The guy leaving is… Jason. He’s not visibly surprised, if only because Brandon going would have been a shock.

And then my DVR decided I’d seen enough of tonight's So You Think You Can Dance. Well. It’s getting harder every week, and I’m actually, honestly, pathetically sad to think the season is almost over. See you next week!

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