Friday, August 28, 2009

Ascii Art

Looking for some ascll art? Well, you have one example above. But what is ASCII Art? In layman’s terms, ASCII Art are pictures or images created using ascll characters. What is ASCII or what are ASCII characters? ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange or in other words the characters you see on your keyboard (plus others that are not). 

Here is a sample of ASCII characters:

So in other words ASCII Art are just images that are created using those characters. It takes a lot of creative power to do so and if you have that, then feel free to play with this type of art.

I don’t know for how long this has been “released” because I’ve never searched for it. If you Google for “ascii art” then you’ll receive a very pleasant surprise. A Google logo made of ASCII code, and this is deeply an ASCII art. I don’t know why, but now I’m beginning to like ASCII art. It’s crazy how such a small thing, and rather unimpressive can have such a powerful effect on someone. Although ASCII art is usually uncolored, Google respects its logo which is colored the usual way, unlike in those Google Chrome OS screenshots that we’ve seen last month. 

Well, if you want to see this wonder, just search for ascii art on Google and check it out for yourself. Enjoy!

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