Wednesday, August 26, 2009

michael jackson alive

In a turn of events worthy of a spooky "Twilight Zone" episode, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley returned to walk among the living Tuesday night after agreeing to perform one last time in a concert to prove which one of them is truly the all-time "King of Pop."

Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 after letting his skills fade as a result of years of substance abuse and obesity. Since his death, rumors of him still being alive remain strong. Despite the hopes and prayers of his devoted fans, Presley was indeed dead.

“I don’t know why they thought I never died,” Presley said. “But I appreciate the love and devotion they have shown me over the years.”

On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson stopped breathing once he was administered the powerful anesthetic Profol. His death sent a shockwave around the world and has made headlines every day since.

“I’m honored and grateful for what my friends, family, and fans have done since my passing,” Jackson said. “I’m eager to take the stage one last time and prove myself once again.”

Logic would tell us resurrection isn’t possible, and that they faked their deaths to make their return all the more dramatic. Yet, for no reason whatsoever, two entertainment icons have risen from the grave. Both of them died and remained dead until now.

“It really defies all known science,” an unnamed scientist said. “I don’t know why they’re here, but I have my tickets and I will be there to see them live.”

Although reporters and fans have countless questions to ask Presley and Jackson, they aren’t appearing to answer any questions. All they want to do is treat their fans to one last performance. If their careers are any indication, I doubt they will disappoint.

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