Monday, August 3, 2009

tiger woods fart

tiger woods fart

Tiger Woods wins Buick in style but what about that fart on the 18th?

Sometimes you have to be convinced that you actually heard what you thought you heard. A video posted around the Internet has me laughing at myself. Why didn't I just go with my first instinct and realize the unmistakable sounds of a long, pronounced fart?

There was a lovely scene developing at the 18th green. Tiger, with a three-shot lead, was in the fairway, comfortable with the knowledge that he would win what could be the final Buick Open in at the Warwick Hills golf course in Grand Blanc Township, Michigan. Recap available,

We were reminded constantly about the state of the economy, the automotive industry bail-out, the continued struggles of GM, the end of the Buick sponsorship of Tiger Woods and how grateful the tournament sponsors and the crowd were that Tiger graced their grounds.

And then the fart sound is picked up on the microphones nearby, Tiger says, "Are you serious?", caddy Stevie Williams and he share a giggle, he turns to the side to continue to enjoy the moment and we are never told by the announcers what just happened. They, of course, don't acknowledge it happened. I'll bet you that when they went to break that the randy Mr. Nick Faldo had a giggle over it.

Listen for yourself and you tell me if it was a pre-recorded sound, a real human fart and if you think it came from Stevie, Tiger or a cameraman.

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