Thursday, September 3, 2009

hotmail down

There's a Hotmail down! Microsoft's web-based email service goes down for the count; the "server is too busy" to serve your mail.

Users of Microsoft's web-based email service Hotmail are reporting a significant service outage over the last hour. A visit to displays only a "Server is too busy" message. Microsoft partner Matthew Arkin posted the following status update relating to the outage: "Hotmail and Live Mail outage. Issue will be resolved soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

" We're not sure of the exact affiliation Arkin has with the company and whether or not microsoft cares is acting in an official capacity similar to comcastcares, but either way one thing is clear: the easiest way to spot the outage was via Twitter search.

If you're a Hotmail user reading this, let us know if the service comes back online for you.

[Update April 10, 2009]: Some of you are reporting still seeing the effects of yet another Hotmail outage. Microsoft confirmed the cutage but claims it's fixed — let us know if it's still affecting you.

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