Friday, October 2, 2009

2012 Olympics

Zapatero optimistic after meeting IOC members, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is optimistic Madrid can win the right to host 2016 Olympics.

Zapatero acknowledged Thursday that it will be a tough call when International Olympic Committee members vote Friday by secret ballot to choose between the Spanish capital, Chicago, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.

"It's very hard to make any kind of predictions," said Zapatero, who has held meetings with several IOC members since arriving Wednesday evening.

"I had some contacts today, and I can say that I am a lot more optimistic," he said. "Since they say the vote is practically decided, that leaves one very important moment, which is the presentation of the bid."
Beside Zapatero, Madrid backers also include King Juan Carlos, tennis player Rafael Nadal, Real Madrid striker Raul Gonzalez and cycling great Miguel Indurain.

The Spanish capital, which also bid for the 2012 Olympics that went to London, says 77 percent of its venues are ready or under construction. Madrid also has hosted countless top sporting events and is familiar to many IOC members.

"We're a country that is very trustworthy when it comes to organizing sporting events, and the IOC knows it," said Zapatero, who also traveled to Singapore four years ago for the 2012 vote.

Another bonus for Madrid is Juan Antonio Samaranch, the IOC president for 21 years before Jacques Rogge took over in 2001. Although he's nearly 90, Samaranch still has influence with some members and could swing a few crucial votes in Madrid's favor.

"I want to say that Samaranch has done so much for Spain, he has done so much for the Olympic movement," Zapatero said. "It means so much to us, so much for the Olympic movement."

The IOC, however, might hesitate to take the games to Europe again in 2016, even though Madrid has been portraying itself as the "Hispanic candidate" to distance itself from the European tag. The 2012 Olympics will be in London, and the 2014 Winter Games will be in Sochi, Russia.

The Spanish capital also is competing with Rio de Janeiro for Latin American votes. The tension spilled out when Spanish Olympic Committee vice president Jose Maria Odriozola reportedly called Rio "the worst" of the four candidates, prompting an ethics complaint from the Brazilians.

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