Monday, October 5, 2009

monique show

On Oct. 5th BET will be airing a brand new late night talk show, and it will be hosted by the radio host, television star, and Queen of Comedy, Mo’Nique.

When BET’s president of programming, Larissa Jones, came to the network, she had approached Mo’Nique about doing a daytime television talk show, after a meeting, Mo’Nique had the idea of turning the show into a late night program. For Mo’Nique the premiere of her own televised talk show has been a long time coming.

“I had this idea before anyone knew who Mo’Nique was because I saw this woman in Baltimore named Oprah Winfrey on this local show called “People Are Talking” and I said, ‘oh wow, I look like her. ’ And twenty years later…” Mo’Nique said.

Inspired by the daytime talk show host Oprah Winfrey, Mo’Nique has gracefully added herself to the elegant list of Black female talk show hosts that have hit television screen within the past few years, like Tyra Banks and Wendy Williams, creating an image for past inspirations to be proud of.

“I believe Harriet Tubman is singing out loud, I believe Hattie McDaniel is standing up applauding, I believe all the ones that came before us are saying, ‘Yes baby, keep pushin’,” said Mo’Nique.

The Mo’Nique Show will be a fun ride, with celebrity guests, music played by DJ Ed Love, and segments that will resemble her stand up for her live Atlanta audience, which was chosen as a location to give off the vibe of family and good times.

“We wanted the feel of community, we wanted to feel a family, we wanted the feeling that we are here for nothing more than to have a good time,” Monique said.

For Monique, the talk show is much more than just talk. She wants it to be a party. “It’s called a talk show because you have to put a title on it. With the Monique show it’s nothing but a big playground. It’s where the kid in you can come on out.”

Besides plenty of laughs, BET has done much for the Black community and Mo’Nique feels like this show is just another step in spreading more knowledge on the Black community to the public. It is much more than just a television show, it is a celebration.

“It’s our time for people to get to know who our celebrities are, who our stars are, and who the power houses in our community are, it totally celebrates who we are,” Monique said.

Mo’Nique will still be keeping her feet in the world of film as her next movie will be based around the life of 1940’s actress Hattie McDaniel, who was the first Black actress to win an Academy Award. But for now, The Mo’Nique Show will keep her fans and regular late night viewers happy as they are hit with this new show that is so unpredictable, even the host couldn’t say what was going to happen.

“Expect the unexpected. You know how when you go to a friend’s house and you have a good time but you can’t predict what’s going to happen, that’s what The Mo’Nique Show is. I can’t tell you what’s going to happen night to night because I don’t know,” said Mo’Nique.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the Monique show but , I have to say " She really needs to stop screaming , and talking to guest like she is delivering a sermon. Big turnoff !!! I wish her all the luck
