Thursday, November 12, 2009

oprah chimp victim

'Oprah': Chimp quarry Charla Nash reveals face, life as attack

Charla Nash is utterance up utterly thanks to spring chicken was attacked by her friend's chimpanzee Travis in February 2009, losing most of her face and some of her scalp also jawbone as a result.

She appeared on the "Oprah Winfrey" show Wednesday to figure her life recuperating at the hospital for that incident also to turn up her facade on her own terms.

Nash, 55, had never revealed her face to the public until that mark. Winfrey discussed why during her sojourn with Nash below:

At the time of the February attack, Travis was try and killed by police officers.

Nash is promising to get a face and hand transplant. maid can no longer see since her eyes were removed.

Although we're woeful again horrified by this heartbreaking story, we're always amazed by human resilience and respect Nash since choosing how she'd like to be seen by the world and how she's going to arise with her life.

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