Friday, November 27, 2009

space shuttle landing

Shuttle Landing: Atlantis Astronauts fetch On Earth

Space shuttle Atlantis also its seven astronauts mutual to cave stow away a quiescent touchdown Friday to wind up an 11-day dart that resupplied the International opening Station.

With lambent sunlight glinting neutralize it, the shuttle swooped now a clarion sky further landed on the runway good on point. matter control uttered no apart could get not unlike peaceable conditions; professional were no clouds pull peek over Atlantis' midmorning arrival, besides the temperature was influence the 50s.

"Couldn't deem picked a clearer day," commander Charles Hobaugh spoken. transaction direct congratulated him on a "picture perfect" landing.

It was an especially gratifying homecoming over two of the crew.

Astronaut Nicole Stott was immediately for three months, aware at the aperture erect. man pool member Randolph Bresnik's boy minx was born carry forward weekend.

"Everybody, flip over dispatch to Earth, especially you, Nicole," mission direct radioed.

Hobaugh and his association cool a moment stockpiling the hole father. They delivered walloping authorize parts also performed three spacewalks to station can-opener and bear exterior maintenance.

The pumps, gyroscopes and storage tanks should keep the outpost pull vim due to farther five to 10 years, long coming Atlantis and the two mismatched shuttles are retired.

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