Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is Khloe Kardashian Pregnant

I don't watch the show on a regular basis, if nothing else is on and I need background noise, I will turn of the channel to this strange cast of characters. Now after reading the following article, I am not even going to turn the white noise on...the ideal that this woman is going to have a baby scares the heck out of me. That poor baby will have a perm, manicure and dressed in high fashion before it is a year old.

Kourtney Kardashian doesn't have much maternal instinct, at least not when it comes to delivering a baby.

The pregnant sister of Kim and Khloe mistakenly thought her water broke recently, reports.

"She's never experienced it; she has no idea," Khloe Kardashian said Thursday in an interview on KIIS-FM with Ryan Seacrest. "She was out at lunch – this is TMI – and some fluid came down her leg and she was like, 'My water broke!' She bbm'd me and I go, 'No, no, no, you will know. You're fine.' "

The star of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" did not specify whether the fluid was urine or not but does understand why her 30-year-old sister is concerned. According to Khloe Kardashian, her sister is due "any minute!"

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