Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tiger Woods's caddie Williams

Tiger Woods's and caddie Steve Williams has strenuously denied having any knowledge of the world number one's "infidelity".
Tiger Woods is currently taking an indefinite break from golf in order to tackle problems in his private life.

"I had no knowledge of what was going on," the Kiwi told New Zealand's Sunday News newspaper. "If I did, I would say I did. I'm an honest person.

"When he is not competing, I am back in New Zealand. I have no knowledge of what he is doing."

Woods became the centre of a media storm after crashing his car into a fire hydrant and a tree outside his Florida home at the end of November.

The 14-time major winner has not been seen in public since, as speculation about his private life intensified.

Allegations followed about extra-marital affairs and on Friday, Woods admitted for the first time that he has been unfaithful to his wife Elin.

"I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all my wife and children," said Woods in a statement.

New Zealander Williams has been the caddie for Woods for all but one of his 14 major championship wins.

The world's number one golfer was also Williams' best man when he got married in 2006.

There has been speculation as to how much Woods's inner circle knew of the "transgressions".

Williams added: "What people fail to realise is I (just) work for Tiger Woods.

"I live in New Zealand, I travel to and from New Zealand to caddie for Tiger Woods. I am not with him 24/7. Whilst I am a very good friend of his... I don't know what he does off the course.

"Tiger just said he needs a break and I don't want to put any pressure on the guy.

"He will know in his mind, and his family will know in their mind, when it is the right time for him to return to playing golf.

"He will have the right people counselling him and between the people that counsel him, his wife and his immediate friends, when he is ready to come back he will be ready to come back.

"I am committed to him. I understand he needs a break to sort his personal stuff out. And I will be there for him when he wishes to return to play."

And Williams reiterated that if was to be axed by Woods, that would be the end of his caddying career.

"I have always stated that my last caddie job will be caddying for Tiger," he added.

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