Saturday, July 3, 2010

Margaret Sanger

The Margaret Sanger took birth in Corning, New York State on Sept 14, 1879. She had an 11 brothers and sisters. Well, her mother got 18 pregnancies. A few of her infants passed away in early childhood and because of this many pregnancies, she died due to T.B. and disease called cervical cancer. Margaret Sanger was a superb lady. She gave advance ideas in her era.

She initiated and generalized the conception of very birth control in U.S.A. Margaret Sanger was as well a beginner of the very Birth Control League (BPL).

Margaret Sanger was very much inspired from her dad. As her father had as well wonderful ideas in his time. She was on 6th place among the 11th siblings. So, she had to do a lot of house tasks and she as well played a great role in bringing up her other young brothers and sisters. She began her education in a boarding school whose name was Claverack

College, but unfortunately she had left her education in a mid and came back home. As her mom was very ill and she had to take care of her.

She married and had her 1st baby in the yr 1903. She got T.B. as her mom also had. Her house was as well burned in some accident. She afterwards moved to New York and started to do work in the very Manhattan slum area. She faced a lot of things in her life and finally she got separation from her hubby.

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