Sunday, December 5, 2010

Britney Spears Boyfriend Beaten Report

Britney Spears Says ‘Kiss Her Lily White Ass’ After Boyfriend Beaten Report

Britney Spears is a little ticked off about recent reports of the being beaten by her boyfriend Jason Trawick. The source of the news came from her child-hood friend Jason Alexander who she was married to for only 55 hours before having the marriage annulled in 2004. Jason Alexander apparently spoke to both Star Magazine and Radar Online with the story that Trawich was beating on Spears.

In a recorded audio, a woman could be heard saying, “That f-cker isn't my fiance.” As the second voice asks the woman believed to be Britney Spears about Trawick proposing to her on a beach or somewhere. The response back was, “…before or after he beat on me?”

Meanwhile, Britney Spears’ camp claims that it is not the Pop star and that legal action will be taken. Star Magazine says that Jason Alexander who passed a lie detector test stands behind his story.

As for Britney Spears’ thoughts on this, she responded via Twitter and told Star, Radar, Jason Alexander and the rest of the “liars” to kiss her lily white Louisiana ass!

In the midst of this all, Britney Spears had enough time to announce that she's afresh album coming out in March.

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