Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Borneo Talent Show to a timely boost for the Sibu

Sibu will be a town of glamour and glitter when the much-anticipated Borneo Talent Show drawn up by Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) is staged in the October and November.

In what is to be a counterpart of world popular shows like “Australia Got Talent” and the like, the talent show hopes to draw Malaysians together in a similar manner.

In a press conference yesterday, organising chairwoman councillor Wong Hie Ping said ever since the show was first announced during the council’s meeting last week, she had already received encouraging response, prompting her to ensure that the show must be something grand and glamourous.

“We are in the initial planning stage now, but, who knows, if the response is so good, we might even consider bringing in professionals in the entertainment industry to boost up the show.”

Will the stars of Sibu and from East Malaysia be born out of the show? Wong keeps her fingers crossed, calling on all undiscovered talent to come out, think outside the box and let creativity flow.

“It can be singing, dancing, musical instrument performance, magic show, mime show, pantomime, acrobatics, etc. We love to see people stepping out.”

Wong said this had been planned as part of SMC’s 30th anniversary celebration, revealing that the people behind the idea had been working hard to think of noble ways to unearth local talents.

She added that the show will recognise various talents, including the glamourous main title of ‘Borneo Talent Award’, and complemented by other titles like ‘The Most Popular Talent’, ‘The Most Creative Talent’, ‘The Most Entertaining Talent’ and ‘The Special Talent’ for which winners will receive a trophy each and a cash prize each.

For the main title – Borneo Talent Award — the winner will walk off with a cash prize of RM5,000.

For the title of Special Talent, five individuals or teams will be selected, and each will receive a cash prize of RM500.

For the rest, the cash prize for each title is RM1,000.

Wong said the competition would be opened to Malaysians of all ages, so long as they are capable of performing.

“Each of the performances can be in a group or from an individual, and each will be given a time of between three to five minutes to perform.

“Judging is based on creativity, artistic skills, presentation, choreography and uniqueness, and there will be three rounds of performances.”

She said there would be three judges for the preliminary round on Oct 29 and 30 at Sibu Public Library Conference Room, five at the semi-final at Sibu Civic Centre on Nov 5 and 11 at the final on Nov 12 at Sibu Civic Centre.

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