Citizens 1st Bank gets 5 star rating Bank is listed in the top 7 percent of nation's banks .
Citizens 1st Bank has been declared one of the strongest banks in the United States. The bank is among the top seven percent of the nation's banks. "Our bank received a five-star rating by Bauerfinancial Inc. of Coral Gables, Fla.," said Jim Perkins, president and chairman of the board of Citizens 1st Bank. "This is the nation's bank rating firm. It has analyzed banks for more than 25 years."Citizens 1st Bank has earned this honor for 69 consecutive quarters.
"Citizens 1st Bank has served our area since 1920," said Charles Hassell, executive vice-president. "We have been serving neighbors and friends for almost 90 year and we are locally owned and operated," he said.The bank is located in Rusk, Jacksonville, Nacogdoches and Tyler. Also, it can be found on the internet at www.citizens1- stbank.com.
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