Monday, July 13, 2009



In Crossfit Games Mikko Salo Proved that he is the fittest man of the world, he became the first Wuropean man to win the title. Mikko Salo from Finland is a firefighter and a rescue diver; he completed all eight WODs and came out victorious from a vast number of best international athletes. Mikko Salo from the start of Crossfit Games alerted the public when in the trail run he nearly beat the legend Chris Spealler, his name was unknown before the start of the event but after this fight with Chris Spealler his rank exceeded immediately. Mikko Salo kept scoring with his steady performances in the period of next two days to claim the victory at Crossfit Games. He finished 2nd in the first WOD, 17th in second WOD, 9th in third WOD, then in fourth WOD he might have secured 32nd position but in fifth WOD once again he finished 5th, in the remaining three WOD’s he secured 11th, 2nd, and then 1st position for the overall victory in the tournament.

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