Sunday, November 8, 2009

who voted for health care bill

Who Voted For Health Care Bill:Lawmakers mastery the House voted 220 to 215 on Saturday night to sustain a copious overhaul of the nation’s health care contour. exclusive unparalleled Republican voted because the bill, further 39 Democrats unalike it, including 24 members of the fiscally conservative melancholy grungy confederation.

An far out majority of the Democratic lawmakers who opposed the bill — 31 of the 39 — recite districts that were won by Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, string the 2008 presidential election, again a third of them were freshmen. nearly all of the fourteen freshmen Democrats who voted “no” represent districts that were previously Republican and are considered vulnerable in 2010.

Geographically, 22 lawmakers from southern states formed the largest opposition bloc. beneath are details on the Democrats that opposed the health care legislation in the House.

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